Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The 218

To the Republican Men and Women in the 111th Congress;

The story of "The 300" was about the Spartans that stood at Thermopylae against overwhelming odds and fought to save their country while knowing that they themselves would lose this battle. Their willingness to join the battle against all odds saved Greece.

There are 218 Republicans in both houses of Congress and they face a similar choice today. All are not trained to be warriors as the 300 Spartans were but they nevertheless need to stand together to save their country.

So far the Democrats (or Persians ) have
  • taken over the banking system
  • taken over the automobile industry
  • begun to demonize and disenfranchise any who disagree or oppose the government
  • weakened our defenses
  • emboldened our enemies
  • threatened to take control of the energy industry
  • taken over the housing industry
  • committed to spending more money than any government in our history, indeed more than most of those governments combined
  • they tell companies who than can hire and who they should fire
  • they tell companies how much they can pay
  • they have inserted a 5th column into the electoral process to undermine its fairness and the people's trust in it
  • created dissension among people by deliberately not taxing vast numbers of people while demonizing and over-taxing those that are even slightly affluent
  • they seek to take over education by paying the college tuition for every student.
  • they seek to discredit and punish previous governments by prosecuting people for legally and faithfully doing their jobs
  • they seek to remove democratic principles from the workplace
Each day the assault on the America we know is under new attacks. If we don't soon stand up and fight back there will be no chance of winning back and the liberty and freedom we have come to take for granted will be gone!

The 218 need to put on their armor and sharpen their spears and then stand shoulder-to-shoulder to fight Universal Health Care. That is our Thermopylae. We don't have enough votes to win but we need to take a stand. We need to oppose it in every way possible! Speeches on the floor of the House and Senate Chambers )not cya articles read into the Congressional Record)! Meetings in their home districts and states. Letters to the editors of major newspapers and blogs. Work with all types of electronic media to get the word out. Vote no to every presentation and piece of any Universal Health Care bill.

This does not mean offering an alternative. THERE IS NO ALTERNATIVE FOR THIS KIND OF PLAN IN A DEMOCRATIC FREE MARKET REPUBLIC! The basic assumption is wrong and must be opposed, not compromised. Filibuster, offer killer amendments, use procedural rules to slow the process. DO EVERYTHING POSSIBLE!

Will we win? Probably not, we a re outnumbered. But the battle can delay the march of tyranny until more people can understand the threat. The battle can inspire the next wave of fighters for liberty. A heroic stand has made the difference many times throughout history. Clear battle lines and heroic warriors become the models and beacons for those who follow.

Be a hero! Stand at the Gates of Fire and make us, your constituents, proud!